A Guide to Foodcentric Activities at Your Next Dinner Party

A Guide to Foodcentric Activities at Your Next Dinner Party

Bring an unexpected level of playfulness to your next dinner party with these fun and delicious activities.



Sundae Making

Elevate a childhood favorite to an adult classic with toppings such as chopped stone fruits, Activist Manuka Honey, and Brightland of course.



Smoothie Bar

An opportunity to showcase seasonal fruits and discover new recipes for the morning staple. Set out a beautiful array of fresh seasonal fruits, juices, and add-ins, and let your guests get to mixing. To kick things off, we suggest handing out samples of our New Year Olive Oil Smoothie.



Olive Oil Tasting

One of our favorites, of course. Grab a fresh loaf of bread and a generic bottle of olive oil from the store and amaze your friends with how different it tastes from Brightland’s DUO.

A tasting is a great way to see just how different all of Brightland's flavors taste from one another!


Knife Sharpening

Intimidating and unexpected, possibly. However, we know from our chef friends that the most important tool in the kitchen is a sharp knife. We suggest bringing out Material Kitchen’s foolproof The Sharpener for an activity all of your guests will thank you for.