Q&A with Nutritionist Bianca Valle

Q&A with Nutritionist Bianca Valle

A true multi-hyphenate, Bianca Valle is not afraid to lean into where her creativity calls her. Primarily a nutritionist, but also a painter, photographer, model, writer, and filmmaker, her passions keep her busy.

We sat down for a chat with Bianca to ask questions posed from the Brightland community about food, and learn about her signature nutrition hotline, which anyone can call and speak to her directly about nutrition for 20 minutes. Read on to learn all about Bianca.

Where do you call home?

New York City.

What are you listening to right now?

Middle Kids!

Last thing you cooked?

Hard-boiled eggs.

Inspiring words you read recently?

The ability to be light-hearted is a sign of strength.

How did you get into nutrition?

I have always been fascinated by food, so I planted the seed within my community that I wanted to work in food, and almost two years later, here I am!

What are the best anti-inflammatory foods?

It’s rather a question of what not to eat. Coffee, sugar, dairy, alcohol and some gas-forming veggies are all inflammatory.

Someone comes to you and says, "I need to set healthy eating habits, but I don't know where to start." What do you say?

I start by talking about natural vs. processed foods and how we need to eat what truly fuels us.

Any favorite supplements?

I don’t believe in supplements. :)

Can food impact anxiety and mood?

Yes, always. Food IS mood. Putting garbage in the body equals garbage coming out of the body, in all forms.

What are your three favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration?

@sophia_roe, @lisaoliveratherapy, @kirstygodso, and @cleowade.

Tell us about your donation-based hotline. What inspired this?

It has always boggled my mind that access to knowledge about health is so expensive and secretive in a way. I wanted to give back to my community, because they have given so much to me, so I decided to offer a hotline service that anyone can call and ask questions about health.

Your favorite healthy snack?

An apple!!!!

Your favorite dinner to cook at home?

I love making a salad or salmon. Maybe some hard boiled eggs with sweet potatoes. All drizzled with Brightland and black pepper, of course.

You can take truckfulls of 3 veggies with you to a desert island, which do you take?

Sweet potatoes, rainbow chard, and kabocha squash.

Advice or tips for anyone out there who dreams of doing what you do?

Follow what makes you feel at peace and happy. There are no rules on how to live life. Anything goes.

Fill in the blank: If I didn't dream , I wouldn't be me.